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May 4 2021

7 ways to make our project site more sustainable.



This is article number two about green building practices taking as a basis the  LEED rating system.

As mentioned in the previous article number one: buildings are the largest users of energy in our society, so this means are also our greatest opportunity for energy conservation and protection of the environment.

Let’s start by our 7 ways  to make our project more sustainable:


Illustration by Joseph Azar

1.Construction activity pollution prevention:

The first step is to take care of the construction activity pollution prevention from the erosion and sedimentation control to stormwater regulations.


2.Environmental site assessment:

Pay attention to the environmental site assessment, check out for chemical residues and make identification as soon as possible about the asbestos in the building materials.

Engage local experts, gather information on the property condition early on, many features should be taken into consideration that could influence the design for example hydrology, flood hazardous areas, rainwater, what are the reuse opportunities available?, vegetation, climate, social exposure, heat island effect, endangered species, soils, habitat, adjacent infrastructure, resources of air pollution, proximity of vulnerable populations, construction materials with recycle or reuse potential, human health effects…

After receiving the results of the site assessment in phase II take action on all levels for example if the soil is contaminated start doing a remediation for the site.


3.Site development -Protect and restore habitat:

 Site development is essential and one way to do so is to protect and restore habitat this could be done in two ways either by on site restoration or by providing a financial support.

I will develop about the first way which is the one I prefer since you will be having a direct positive impact from your actions, so on site restoration on a previously developed land must be at least 30 percent of what is already developed and while executing you cannot use non native plants in this restoration.

As for the greenfield sites you must preserve and protect at least 40 percent of the greenfield area

If the project happens to be located in a zone where the floor area ratio is higher that 1.5 in this case vegetated roofs are recommended but again the vegetative roof must be native or adaptive to promote bio diversity.


4.Create Open space in the project:

Imagine how nice it is for well being creating an Open space that is maintained in a semi natural condition for human recreation and relaxation, this open space may have vegetation, water, or any recreation ideas for improvements.

The minimum proportion of this area is 30 percent from the total area including the building footprint, as for the vegetated are it should be at least 25 percent of that same outdoor space created.

To mention Turfgrass are not counted as vegetations.

Minimal footprint , rainwater harvesting , gray and black water treatment, reuse for irrigation, reduction of energy consumption through lights and sensors, management of waste for the creation of compost, and recycling of glass, aluminum and cardboard, using only local materials with low levels of VOC. Architects: mcxa.groupFor the rest outdoor space many ideas could be used for example recreation and oriented paving that promote physical and social activity are recommended , garden spaces could also ameliorate this visual diversity throughout the year and different seasons , community gardens are great ideas, and also remember a very important thing is to preserve habitat


5.Rainwater management:

Always be aware of the existing strategies of LID (Low impact development) and GI (Green infrastructure), that I wont be entering into details here, in order to be able to manage rainwater with the highest percentile possible of the rainfall events(98 %, 95%, or 85 for zero-lot lines).

Another way is to look to the natural land cover conditions at pre development and post development and manage this difference, more specifically by managing the site increase in runoff volume from the natural land cover conditions to the post development condition.


6.Heat island reduction:

Shade, shade, shade! in order to reduce heat island effects, for the nonroof use open grid paving with the high SR, always try reducing the parking area and put the parking undercover.


7.Light pollution reduction:

An easy way to do and apply this is by using the BUG rating method strategy , for Backlight, Up light and Glare, that mainly addresses the uplight and the light trespass so try to meet all the requirement to reduce the light pollution.

Another more complicated way you can use a calculation method to meet the requirement .


Sedum green roofs , skylights and hidden gardens Architects: PleysierPerkinsArchitects


In the end  take your time to think about your site and do the right analysis , also for architects they should be giving the right advice for their clients about this choice  showing them the long term benefit .

Taking the sustainability of our site into consideration from the beginning can have a very big impact on our project .


Please consider checking one my previous articles :

How to make Location and Transportation more sustainable in this link:


By Joseph.h.Azar

Artist/Architect/ LEED AP (BD+C)

Date : May 04 2021



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